Sundays 5-8:30pm (2 classes)
The Teacher Training Programme (TTP) at KMC Liverpool was designed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche to train qualified Teachers of Modern Kadampa Buddhism. It is taught by our Resident Teacher, Kelsang Gyalpo.
The core of the programme is the study and meditation classes based on the books of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. The purpose of the study component is to enable students to gain an understanding of the deep meanings of Buddha’s teachings and learn how to apply them to modern daily life.The purpose of the meditation component is to enable the students to gain practical experience of the meaning of the teachings. Qualified Teachers need both.
The programme also includes training in teaching skills and other subjects necessary for modern Kadampa Teachers.
Current programme
From September 2021 the programme will be studying the book The New Guide to Dakini Land.
£20 per month; FREE for KMC Liverpool members.
Further information
For more information please contact the Education Programme Coordinator at